

MBWA – Management by Walking Around. A style of management popularised by founders of Hewlett-Packard in the 70’s which involved senior managers walking throughout the office, talking to employees, getting feedback, and answering questions.

Before I was educated and had heard about this revolutionary management style, I had been practicing this in my career as a RMS Clerk (HR Administrator) in the Canadian Armed Forces.  It was customary for me to join co-workers and clients in the smoking area for casual conversation. Although the smoking area isn’t quite as popular these days, the premise is the same. Engage in conversation with your co-workers, direct reports, and clients. Conversation is freer, clients feel more comfortable making oddball inquiries or seeking clarification. I heard about more preventable and easily rectifiable issues in this manner and was able to fix these problems quickly without the headaches of “chain of command” red tape and bureaucracy.

This is especially important in an organisational structure which is heavy on hierarchy. There is no better way to get to know your direct reports or your clients than to engage them in an informal conversation. In my experience, they are more likely to open up to you with what is REALLY bothering them. This, of course, has obvious benefits to organisational engagement.

So clerks, HR professionals, get out there, try some HR By Walking Around. You will very likely develop stronger, more trusting relationships with your clients and subordinates. Your body and mind can use the excuse to get out from behind your desk and don’t worry, your work will still be there when you get back.


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