Why biarenaissance?

Bia was the Greek spirit or diamona of force, power, and strength. Sister to Nike, daughter of a Titan, enforcer for Zeus. Bia was strength personified.

Renaissance is French for rebirth, revival.

Since this blog will talk about starting over and provide tips, guidance, and ideas for those who are starting over, or even those just starting out, in their pursuit of independence and self-reliance, these two words describe my metamorphosis and will, I hope, inspire others to challenge and believe in themselves.

Hello world!

This blog was started as an assignment for Social media marketing class. Anyone who knows me knows I’m not often at a loss for words or opinions, but I really don’t know how I’m going to fill this blog. Time will tell. In searching for related blogs to add to my RSS feeds I found that there aren’t a lot of blogs offering advice about job hunting or related tips. This blog could have a real market demand, if I were to dedicate the time and effort to creating a strong blog, filled with related pictures, videos, feedback opportunities and all the qualities of a good social media site. I look forward to the opportunity and challenge. Now to figure out how to add a picture to my post 🙂